User Groups

At the Digital Corridor, we believe that user groups are integral to Charleston's tech ecosystem. We are delighted to support and facilitate new technical user groups at our Flagship facilities for meetings along with co-promoting meet-ups through our social media channels.

  • Charleston Virtual & Augmented Reality

    This group is dedicated to developers and hardcore enthusiasts who see Virtual, Mixed and Augmented reality as the future and want to stay ahead of the curve.

  • CharlestonJS

    Hang out and discuss JavaScript tips, tricks, hacks, and frameworks with some of the best scripters around.

  • Charleston Data Science

    A group for practitioners, engineers, students, or all-around data nerds to talk about cutting edge techniques in data management and analytics.

  • Charleston Indie Game Developers

    This is a group devoted to people who enjoy creating independent video games of all types. We are programmers, designers, artist, etc that enjoy hard work (clearly) and a DIY mentality. Whether developing as a hobby or as a job, we want to improve our skills, bounce around ideas and make fun games. Experience is encouraged, but not required.

  • BSides Charleston

    BSides Charleston was started in 2012 and has been held at the College of Charleston annually. Since its existence BSides Charleston has been attracting security professionals from all over the Lowcountry area for this one day event.

  • Charleston Technology Group

    The purpose of this group is to bring Charleston area technologists together to explore interesting technologies. The group was originally Java specific (Java Users Group), but we believe the interests of the group will be better served by broadening the topic scope.

  • Charleston User Experience Meetup

    Charleston UX is a group of like-minded User Experience professionals that love what we do. Join us once a month as we get together to discuss user experience design, information architecture, copywriting, analytics, usability studies, sketching and wireframing, and much more. We keep the format pretty casual, and we encourage you to bring a friend.

  • Charleston WordPress User Group

    The WordPress Charleston meetups are casual, locally-organized sessions covering everything related to WordPress, and are open to anyone interested in learning more about design, starting a blog, building your own site and learning about plugin tools to enhance your site.

  • Charleston Linux Users Group

    The Charleston, South Carolina Linux Users Group (CSCLUG) is dedicated to the awareness, advancement and development of free software ideals and solutions in the Charleston, SC area expressed through the abilities of our members. CSCLUG holds regular meetings the second Saturday of each month.

  • SalesForce User Group

    The User Group for the Charleston, SC Area.

  • Charleston Women in Tech

    Charleston Women in Tech is a collaborative effort of Charleston’s women leaders, educators, and tech professionals to support and mentor women of all ages in the technology industry.