Charleston Digital Corridor Announces 16th Annual iFiveK race
Community News
Runners gather at the i5K start line
The Charleston Digital Corridor (CDC) is pleased to announce the return of its much-anticipated annual Innovators' 5K spring race event. The iFiveK race, now in its 16th year, is a favorite athletic and networking event for Charleston's growing tech community. The 2024 event is scheduled for April 18, 2024. REGISTRATION IS NOW OFFICIALLY OPEN!
The iFiveK, the only weekday evening race held in Downtown Charleston, leads runners, walkers, and shufflers in a loop in the vibrant and rapidly developing neighborhood adjacent to the Charleston Tech Center. Proceeds from the iFiveK support scholarships at the new CDC Learning Center, a modern community classroom offering Charleston residents affordable, high-quality tech and business classes.
"We enjoy bringing our tech community together for an evening of athletic competition and networking. Hanging with some smart folks and enjoying food and beverages from our neighborhood restaurants and microbreweries at the race after-party make for a fun evening, said Charleston Digital Corridor Director," Ernest Andrade.
Contact us to learn more about sponsorship opportunities at the 2024 iFiveK.