Home /News & Insights /Charleston Digital Corridor Launches CharlestonPros

November 15th, 2018

Charleston Digital Corridor Launches CharlestonPros

Community News

Portal to Connect Entrepreneurs with Vetted Professionals

The Charleston Digital Corridor (CDC) is pleased to announce the launch of CharlestonPros, an online professional reference network of companies and freelancers qualified to work with technology companies, irrespective of their stage of development.

By launching the CharlestonPros B2B portal, the CDC seeks to take advantage of a wide array of seasoned, high-quality professionals who have made Charleston their home, many of whom are well-qualified to help local tech entrepreneurs succeed.

"Our objectives are simple," said Charleston Digital Corridor Chairman, Kirk King. "Increase the formation and success of technology companies in the Charleston Region and to support a lean business model by identifying and promoting on-demand professionals who are able to help companies grow."

"Where else can you go for a lawyer, software developer, and a marketing guru in one place? CharlestonPros is a one-stop-shop of which we're excited to be a part," said B.C. Killough, a registered patent attorney and business lawyer at Barnwell Whaley.

"As a small tech business, it is critical that we remain agile by focusing our efforts on what we do best and contracting out the remainder to highly qualified, no-hassle professionals. Having a resource like CharlestonPros allows us to cut out much of the spade work in finding outside help and allows us to remain laser-focused on providing innovative, industry-leading software and services to our end users," said SageSmith Consulting General Partner, Graham Smith.

The CharlestonPros portal is similar to other tools, like CharlestonWorks developed by the CDC in support of the growth of Charleston's high-wage tech economy, one that has grown to over 450 companies since 2001. The development of the CharlestonPros portal was supported by a grant from the South Carolina Department of Commerce.

Charleston Digital Corridor