City of Charleston Chooses Greenville Based Immedion for Hosting Services
Natalia Muska / SwampFoxGREENVILLE, S.C. (February 4, 2010) Immedion, LLC, South Carolina's first dedicated data center and managed services provider has been selected by the City of Charleston for virtual hosting services. After careful consideration, the City of Charleston selected Immedion because they offered an excellent level of services at a highly competitive price.
Before deciding on Immedion, the City of Charleston had been actively looking for a new data center for hosting services. "We were looking to rebuild our site and move to a new provider at the same time," shares Wes Ratterree, the City of Charleston's CIO. "Because of budgeting constraints the new site was put on the back burner, but we still had to move over to a new provider as soon as possible," he states. "We had been looking at top tier providers in the southeast region and narrowed it down to three. After reviewing RFP responses from our top choices, we determined Immedion provided the level and quality of services we wanted at a price we couldn't pass up," explains Ratterree.
Immedion was a good fit for the City of Charleston from both a cost and timeliness perspective. "The city needed something now and we did everything in our power to make it happen for them," comments Frank Mobley, Immedion's CEO. Within less than a week The City of Charleston had signed a contract and moved their entire site over to Immedion's virtual platform. "This partnership further establishes Immedion as the premier hosting and data center services provider in the state of SC," comments Mobley. "It is important to us to make sure our customers get exactly what they need when they need it."
For the City of Charleston the "overall experience has been very pleasant and encouraging. Immedion has been incredibly responsive to our needs, and the relocation of our Internet sites occurred without a single issue," comments Ratterree.
About Immedion
Immedion's objective is to keep customer business-critical data and applications available 100% of the time 24x7x365. They accomplish this by coupling a world-class data center facility and a strategic array of managed services developed to deliver the highest degree of reliability at a very competitive price. Since 2007, Immedion has been delivering fully redundant power, Internet bandwidth, cooling and humidity control to the Upstate business' IT infrastructure. Customers leverage the Immedion enterprise level data center to minimize critical computer system downtime caused by commercial power outages, Internet problems, or other system failures. Immedion is headquartered in Greenville, SC. For more information please visit, or contact Immedion at 864.908.3000.