
The economic vitality, global competitiveness and prosperity of our country, and the Charleston community, depends on the skills of our workforce. Companies need well-educated, skilled employees to deliver their competitive products and services. The need for these skilled employees along with vetted outsourced resources is magnified in the tech industry where the technology landscape is evolving at an unprecedented rate.

The Digital Corridor's talent development strategy is comprised of three tactical areas - DEVELOP, CONNECT & SUPPORT


CharlestonWorks™ is a locally curated showcase of known tech and tech-related companies in Charleston. This portal allows visitors to understand the scale of Charleston's tech economy while assisting career seekers in their job search via job postings and ability to promote one's talent profile.

CharlestonWorks provides data in the following seven categories - aerospace, biomedical, creative, defense, software, tech products and tech services.

User Groups

At the Digital Corridor, we believe that user groups are integral to Charleston's tech ecosystem. We are delighted to support and facilitate new technical user groups at our Flagship facilities for meetings along with co-promoting meet-ups through our social media channels.

Contact us to add your user group to our list.