New Tool Launches to Streamline and Automate Hiring Processes and Service Industry Businesses Time, Thousands Each Year
PeopleMatter ReleaseCHARLESTON, s.c. – Sept. 14, 2010 – PeopleMatter launched PeopleMatter Hire™ today, the first fully integrated talent management system to streamline and automate the hiring and onboarding processes specifically for the restaurant, convenience store (c-store), hospitality and retail industries. Hire features applicant tracking, background checks, I-9 e-verification, hiring assessments and tax credit processing applications to ensure companies hire the most qualified candidates, reduce turnover, maximize productivity, identify potential management and save thousands.
PeopleMatter Hire is a Software as a Service (SaaS) module that consolidates multiple point solutions in the hiring process, getting rid of paper and saving business owners and managers time and money. PeopleMatter differentiates itself with a sharp, intuitive design that's simple enough for a 7th-grader to use–-increasing adoption, which ultimately translates to a more efficient, profitable workplace. Hire also features personalized configuration and branding for easy integration into companies' Web sites. Premium customer support keeps users up-to-date with the latest upgrades and reacts quickly to regulatory changes and evolving needs.
The PeopleMatter Hire tax credit processing application is the first to fully integrate tax credit processing within the hiring process and updates with all government and legislative changes to ensure compliance, accuracy and efficiency. Hiring incentives, like disaster, FICA tip credits and work opportunity tax credits (WOTC), earn businesses, on average, $1,250 and up to $9,000 per eligible hire. Unlike most companies, PeopleMatter charges a flat, monthly rate instead of contingency fees, meaning customers keep all of the credits they've earned. Interactive administrative dashboards display credits in process, earned and other real-time metrics.
"Nobody has offered one system to do all of the HR things my managers hate doing...until now," said celebrity chef Brett McKee. McKee is implementing Hire in his Roadside Kitchen restaurants across the South East. "The hardest part of running a successful restaurant is hiring the right people. PeopleMatter Hire makes it easy."
"We are revolutionizing the way employers and employees interact in the service industry," said Nate DaPore, PeopleMatter president and chief executive officer. "Our system allows businesses to find and hire exceptional employees who deliver quality customer service, building their brand and separating them from the competition."
PeopleMatter will host a product launch for Hire at 4 p.m. EST (1 p.m. PST) today at Sottile Theatre in Charleston, S.C. Attendees must register online at The event is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. EST (1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. PST) with an after party for live attendees from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. EST. All questions may be sent to Follow all of the latest launch news via the Twitter hash tag #PML10 or the PeopleMatter Twitter account @peoplematterhr.
PeopleMatter plans to launch scheduling and learning modules next as part of the PeopleMatter product ecosystem.
About PeopleMatter
**PeopleMatter is a talent management solution for the service industry. We help companies like restaurants and C-Stores hire dependable employees and other service-industry employers, ignite their passion and inspire enduring loyalty by providing a comprehensive suite of HR tools including hiring, learning, scheduling, performance management, rewards and recognition and workplace social media collaboration. Our mission is to transform the workplace by providing managers and employees with tools that catalyze the innate human drive to make a difference–-because happy, engaged employees and managers lead to exemplary customer service. PeopleMatter. _The name says it all. _PeopleMatter is headquartered in Charleston, S.C., and on the Web at
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Media Contact:
Liz Wagnon